How I’m building the habit of meditation and juggling

Shaan Shah
2 min readJun 3, 2021

I want to regularly meditate and improve at juggling a soccer ball. These are big goals for me. According to James Clear, the author of the bestseller Atomic Habits, my goal needs to be achievable, appealing, and activated.

Juggling a soccer ball

Achievable. Realistically I can dedicate 5 minutes a day, every day, to juggling a soccer ball. Ideally I start juggling for longer and I get really good at it, but, for now, 5 minutes a day is achievable.

Appealing. This habit of juggling is appealing to me because it is a fundamental component of soccer and I am trying out for the 2024 Blind Soccer Paralympics competition.

Activated. I use a calendar religiously, so I put a 15 minute block of time on my calendar. Whenever I skip juggling’s scheduled time, I try to move the time to later in the day to ensure I accomplish my 5 minutes. My Google Calendar activates/triggers me to perform my habit


Achievable. Similar to building the habit of juggling a soccer ball, I am going to aim for a minimum of five minutes of meditation through Vidhan Lakhiana’s and his meditation guidance on YouTube(Six phase meditation).

Appealing. Meditation has been recommended to me a numerous amount of times and I have definitely seen benefits including feeling more connected and motivated on a regular basis. That is enough motivation for me and appealing.

Activated. I have “meditation“ on my calendar for a 15 minute block in the morning. If I do not achieve this in the morning my plan is to reschedule for later in the day. The calendar serves as a great reminder.

